Friday, June 19, 2009

Reverse Flash Cards

Brenna has rediscovered some alphabet flash cards and has taken to quizzing me on them. Hey, shouldn't it be the other way around? After all, I already know that king starts with "k". To make it even more challenging for me, she quizzes me in the car so that I can't see the flash cards. I've cleverly turned the tables on her without even realizing it. She not only has to recognize the letter on the card, so she can tell me how the word starts, she also has to give me clues, so I can guess the word/picture on the card. She's getting pretty good at providing clues and I'm getting pretty good at memorizing what each card is! Here's an example of how it goes:

Brenna: "Ok, I start with "F" and I help keep the doggies safe and I'm made of wood."
Mommy: "Is it a fence?"
Brenna: "Yes! How did you know that?"
Mommy: "You gave me very good clues."
Brenna: "Yeah. You're always telling me that the fence keeps the doggies from getting out of the yard and getting lost."

To say the least, I was very impressed. Sometimes it doesn't go so well. She'll tell me it starts with "M" when it really starts with "W", or she'll tell me all the colors in the picture, but not provide any real clues. We'll keep working on it!

1 comment:

Aunt Kacie said...

Her future teachers will love you for that! Brenna, way to go!!!