Thank goodness Brenna hasn't had any friends with real pools, and the turtle pool has kept her happy. I think we're gonna have trouble when we visit Lilly's house next though. Her grandmother bought her a real kiddie pool this past week. I can just hear the complaints already..."It's no fair that Lilly has a bigger pool than me". Dang you Mamaw. I guess we'll have to make frequent trips up to Layton this summer. Meredith and her family moved even farther north and west than they lived before. Now instead of it being like going to Idaho from our southern location; it's like going to Canada. We've clocked it at about 55 minutes. It's a good thing gas prices came down from last year and the 4 Runner has a DVD player. Otherwise we'd never see them!
Turtle Pool Play Year 1
Turtle Pool Play Year 5
*In case you're wondering what a "temperature sensitive bathing suit" is, it is a purple one piece at room temperature and turns into a pink bikini when placed in warm water. Do I have to tell you which one Ken prefers?
1 comment:
what a precious young lady she has turned into! I just wish we could see her grow up!
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