Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wascally Wabbit

This past week Austin moved on from peas to carrots in his solid foods repertoire. Brenna got in on the action and helped feed him. From her perspective, it takes faux-velvet dress with a fancy skirt and opening your mouth wide to get him to eat. Whatever works I guess. Next up: green beans.
Help! They're making me wear pink bibs with flowers and butterflies.
Send bibs like this with trucks and trains stat! ;)


Aunt Kacie said...

What a sweet and helpful big sister she is!!! Even as an adult, I still open my mouth when feeding a baby...

Unknown said...

I agree with Kacie!! I think we all do that. I'm so glad that she is so helpful. Then again she has been "mothering" her twins for 4 years now.

We will be heading to Babies R Us soon. Don't want to give him a complex.

Miss and love y'all lots.

Lots of love, hugs, & Kisses,

Auntie Amie