Something about Life, Lemons and Lemonade
On Saturday, Brenna was watching Caillou on PBS Sprout. Caillou and his Grandma made lemonade out of real lemons. Brenna asked if we could make juice like that. We didn't have any lemons, but we had a bunch of oranges. I drug out the juicer, dusted it off and we proceeded to make orange juice. Apparently for Brenna, the fun is in the making and not the drinking. Guess who got to drink the juice? Yep, Mommy. Oh well, at least I got a good serving of fruit that day to ward off cancer. Plus it reminded me of the wonderful juice my Gran used to squeeze for me when I was a child. She had orange trees in her backyard! I told Brenna this and she was unimpressed. Now, if I would have told her that Gran had a Nintendo DS, that would have impressed her. Nostalgia is wasted on 4-almost-5-year-olds.
On Sunday while shopping in the produce department, Brenna spied lemons. She excitedly asked if we could make lemonade like Caillou and his Grandma. I'm a good sport, so I said sure and we purchased a half dozen lemons. Back home, I drug out the juicer (no dust this time) and Brenna got all the juice out of those lemons. We didn't put any sugar in at first and you should have seen the puckered up look on her face. We finally got enough sugar and water in the mix to make it palatable, and again, the fun was in the squeezing not the drinking. Yay! Another fruit serving for Mommy.
Coincidentally, Monday's art project at school was a Lemonade stand. As you can see, it's pink. All lemonade stands should be pink I think! No, that's not her handwriting...I wish.
When I asked her what she learned about lemonade, she couldn't recall. When I asked her if she told her teacher, Holly, that we made lemonade on Sunday, she said, "No, I'll tell her tomorrow." Ah, the joys of short term memory in small children. But just you watch, 6 months from now she'll be saying, "Mommy, remember the time we made lemonade and then at school I made that thing?" I'll have to struggle to remember what "that thing" was, but eventually we'll be on the same page!
That night, Brenna asked if we could make juice from the grapefruits in the fridge. The answer was "no". When she asked why, I told her that she doesn't like grapefruits and I don't like grapefruit juice. And since I'm not going to the office everyday, I can't pawn it off on Pam who DOES like grapefruit juice!
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