Sunday, February 14, 2010

Party like a one-year-old

Friday, February 12th, marked the end of Austin's first year. A year that has flown by faster than I wanted it to. In 365 days Austin has taken 2 round trip airplane rides, learned to hold up his head, hold his own bottle, sit up, ooch on him bum, crawl, pull up, walk, drink from a sippy cup and feed himself, grown two teeth, given us his first smiles, laughs and cries, been hospitalized, been to Disney World, had his hair cut twice, and a host of other firsts my tired Mommy mind can't remember right now. Austin has made a huge, glorious addition to our family, and I can't imagine life without him. Oh, I can remember life without him, but I wouldn't want to imagine it. I think Brent and Brenna would agree.

To celebrate his birthday, Nana and Granddad flew in from Texas, and we had a few close friends over for dinner and of course, cake. Brent grilled chicken (amazing as always), and we feasted on fajitas, beans and rice. You can take the girl out of Texas, but you can't take Tex-Mex out of the girl. At first Austin wasn't quite sure what to make of his cake, but with a little encouragement, he got into the spirit of the occasion. With all that sugar pumping through his veins, he found the energy to open a few presents and stay up past his bed time.

To view all of the pictures of the big day click here.

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