Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A little perspective goes a long, long way!

Here's a snippet of an IM chat I had with my good friend, Meredith, today. I'm so glad to have a friend that puts things into the proper perspective!

Polly: We spent roughly $11,000 for daycare in 2009. Gulp.
Meredith: $X,XXX here and this is part time. Ugh.
Polly: Ugh is right.
Meredith: However, let's compare...daycare costs or stay at home mommy?
Polly: Sanity vs insanity? You really can't put a price tag on sanity now can you?
Meredith: 'Nuff said.
Polly: K. Lump of disgust in my throat has been cleared. Moving on!
Meredith: Glad I could help.
Polly: Don't know what I'd do without you.
Meredith: Die a long and slow death.
Polly: prolly

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