Thursday, March 5, 2009

You be the judge!

Okay, so here are some pictures of Brent and Polly when we were babies. We want you to weigh in and let us know (through the comment link below) which one of us Austin resembles!

Austin at 2 Days and 13 Days

Brent at Birth

Polly at 10 Days


Unknown said...

Sorry Polly, I think he looks like Brent more. He has that small rounded "McCarty" face with small features. He may have your eyes though. Either way he is the cutest baby boy ever!! Love, Amie

Anonymous said...

Well, when I first saw the pictures of Austin I thought he looked like Polly. BUT, now that I have seen the baby pictures, he looks like Brent, except for the blonde hair! I agree with Amie, he sure is cute. Love, Peg

Anonymous said...

Hi Polly, Trent and I think he has your eyes and nose but his chin and mouth look like Brent! It was nice to see you last week, hope you're still doing well. Love, Julie

Anonymous said...

Um....sorry, but he is Brent. (Mere)