So, we’re at the hospital in the OR and the next thing I know someone’s hand is reaching for me and the light is very bright. Oh boy was it cold in there. Someone, please get me a blanket! I got to see Mommy for a minute, and then they took me over to a bassinet and started cleaning me up. I was pretty mad about having a tube stuck down my throat, but it sure did feel better when they got all that stuff out of my mouth, throat and lungs. Finally they wrapped me up and I didn’t feel so bad.
A little while later, after she was done with the doctor in the OR, I got to meet Mommy for the first time. I looked up at her and as soon as she said my name, I recognized the voice I’d been hearing all these months and knew I was in the right hands. We snuggled for a little while, but boy I was sure tired. Being born is hard work.
Next thing I know, a nurse came to get me for something called bath. I sure didn't like being undressed and wet. Daddy was there. I was hoping he would save me from all that water and soap, but I think he was in cahoots with the nurses. Finally that ordeal was over and they brought me back to my Mommy.
Daddy went home to take a shower and get my big sister, Brenna. I’ve been wondering about this girl who’s been talking and singing to me through Mommy’s belly. In the meantime, Mommy’s friend, Pam, came for a quick visit before she had to go to work. I could tell right away that Pam loves babies. She was so excited to see me and hold me.
After Pam left, Daddy arrived with Brenna. She sure was excited to see me and wanted to hold me as soon as she walked in the door. Daddy helped her get me into the right position and we cuddled for a good long while. Brenna is kind of wiggly, so I was a little nervous at first. She settled down and we had a good time getting to know each other.
I spent the rest of the day getting used to the big world of Mommy's hospital room, learning how to eat and sleeping (sometimes in my bassinet, but most of the time on Daddy's chest - a great place to be).
Later in the evening, Mommy's friends Stephanie and Meredith came for a visit. They brought magazines for Mommy and a bottle of wine for Daddy. It's good to have friends who know what you need!
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