Sunday, February 15, 2009

Austin's Blog - Day 0, Feb 11

Austin told me he'd like to share his first few days in the big new world with you from his here goes:

It was just another day in the paradise of Mommy’s womb. From what I can tell, we went to work, had lunch with the girls at Blue Iguana (beef tacos – yum), rode the train (Mommy was afraid of going into labor while driving), had dinner with Daddy and that girl who is never quiet(Brenna, yeah that’s her name) at Mark Anthony’s (seafood ravioli – more yum), and went home. I was doing my normal moving around after Mommy laid down when all of a sudden, somebody pulled the plug on all the nice warm fluid that had been surrounding me. I could tell something exciting was happening. Mommy was up getting dressed and Daddy too. They kept talking about how far apart the contractions were. We had to wait for Mommy’s friend Pam to come to the house to be with Brenna (the dogs are great, but not good at babysitting). Then we were off to the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital, I could hear lots of voices I didn’t recognize. They were asking Mommy and Daddy lots of questions. To be continued…

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