Tuesday, December 14, 2010

1st Day of Blogging - Santa Visit

My cousin, Brian, and his wife, Cindy, invited us to the annual river boat parade party at their home on the St. Bernard River. Santa and Mrs. Claus made a visit to the party. Brenna was thrilled, but Austin was skeptical of the man in the red suit. He later warmed up to Santa and even gave him a high five and allowed a hug... no lap sitting though.

If you're wondering real or fake, it's real.
He's the real deal. Not your garden variety mall Santa by any means.

Brenna wanted to know if Santa and Mrs. Claus were married.
When I told her yes, she wanted to know where they got married.
I told her the North Pole, so that the elves and reindeer could attend.

MFEO (made for each other)

To make sure that we didn't duplicate efforts, Santa pulled me aside to let me know what Brenna had on her wish list (Barbie clothes). Then he told me something that made me appreciate everything that Brent and I have. He said that at least a half dozen kids that he'd visited with in the past week has asked for their Mom or Dad to get a job. They didn't want anything for themselves just for their parents to have work. So count your blessings even if they are very very small and mundane.

1 comment:

Auntie Amie said...

Barbie clothes!! What?!! Her list has changed. Santa better get busy!!

She is such a smart little girl!! Good thing I sent a memo to Santa to let him know what Kassadie will be in Pearland for Christmas. I think that she would have a lot of questions. LOL

Lots of love, hugs, & kisses,

Auntie Amie