Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spooning Up Success

It's so funny what you learn the second time around. At this age, we never would have considered putting an entire container of yogurt in front of Brenna, giving her a spoon, and saying have at it. Austin is definitely showing us how it should be done.

First, you put the spoon in the yogurt container and get as much on it as possible.

Then you open wide and pray it all makes it to your mouth.

And of course it does, because you're a pro at this eating with a spoon thing.

When it's all said and one, you give Mommy your best "see I am a big boy" grin, and her heart melts just a little bit more. Who, after all, could resist that dimple... and those eyes... and that hair... and those two adorable teeth?

1 comment:

Auntie Amie said...

I remember those pictures! We were at the Parks Mall. He did a great job and NONE of it ended up on him. He was so happy to be a big boy!

NO one can resist that dimple, smile, hair, eyes & teeth. We are all in big trouble in the future! LOL

Lots of love, hugs, and kisses,

Auntie Amie