Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Our "Haunted House"

Gus Gus wasn't sure what to make of all this dress up stuff. It took me longer to fashion the ears and cap than he actually kept it all on. If he looks a little worried in the pictures it's because he thought he saw that mean old cat, Lucifer, in the bushes. It's tough to smile when your nemesis is lurking about. Cinderella, on the other hand, was so excited about Halloween this year. I think she was sure that if she knocked on enough doors, Prince Charming would surely answer. Alas, all she got was a bunch of candy. Isn't that all you really need? It's good to get a reality check, even at five.

Cinderella and her Gus Gus

Not the Wicked Stepmother.
Wicked at times, yes.
Stepmother, no.

1 comment:

Auntie Amie said...

Too cute!! Great idea for the costumes.

Lots of love,hugs, & kisses,

Auntie Amie