Sunday, October 18, 2009

Falling for Fall

The last weekend in September, we took a drive up a road in the mountains behind our house. The road was paved for about 3/4 of the trip and then went to dirt and rock. Brent and Brenna were very excited to take the Jeep "off road". Brenna kept asking if we were "off road" it was very akin to "are we there yet?"
As we made our way up the mountain, we saw some wonderful bursts of color.

At the top of the trail, we were rewarded with sweeping views of the Salt Lake Valley and the Bingham Canyon Mine. If you've ever wondered what the terrain is like in mountains behind our house, now you know.

Of course there were pictures of the kids! I just decided to make you wade through the scenery before I showed them to you. It was worth it wasn't it?

1 comment:

Auntie Amie said...

Beautiful!! Kassadie loves the Jeep. She wants to go "off road" too. That is her dream car. Hey Brent, hang onto that one and I'll buy it in 8 years for Kass' first car. lol