Friday, April 29, 2011

Hopped Right to It

The Easter Bunny Gang ready for the hunt.

And away they went.

They searched high...

...and they searched low.

Austin was "all in" this year. No bush was too scary.

I can't believe these girls missed these eggs.
They're right here on the ground.
What? They fell out of my basket?
Darn small kids basket.
Next year I want the gigantor basket.

Her basket over-floweth.

Hey, I'm pretty sure I had more eggs in this thing.

Yep, according to my tally, I'm 3.5 eggs short.
(Menna is how he says Brenna)

Don't look at me.
I can't help it if he can't hold onto his eggs.
If they're on the ground, they're fair game.

Spoils of the hunt.

1 comment:

Grammie said...

So Much Fun. I wanna come next year!