Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Took Us Out to the Ballgame

On September 9th, we were treated to an Astros' Game by Kathy and Tom King. Kathy is my step-mother's cousin. I'm not sure what that makes us in the grand "family tree" scheme of things, but we consider them family and that is all that really matters.

Now thank goodness the stadium roof was closed and the blessed air conditioning was on, because at that point we were not acclimated to the Houston humidity what-so-ever. I'm not sure we're acclimated now, but I don't find myself with a dripping nape quite as often.

Brenna actually sat and watch most of the game...

... but Austin did not. He thought it was his place in life to wander the concessions area and make sure everyone was doing their jobs. He even tried to enter the Budweiser Patio, but the bouncer shooed him away every time he tried. I guess cute and adorable doesn't get you EVERYTHING you want in life.

So the folks at Minute Maid park knew what they were doing when they built this playground extravaganza. Their fatal flaw is putting it outside the confines of the air conditioning. But on second thought, it was probably by design. Hot people = more soda and beer sales.

On the way out of the game, Brenna stopped by the dugout to give the guys a pat on the back. I'm gonna have to keep my eye on that girl.


Auntie Amie said...

How fun!! Looks like y'all had a good time. I sometimes wish that the Ranger's Stadium was enclosed w/ a/c. Look like Budweiser will have a new customer when he turns 21 if not before then. After all Bud Light Lime is around the house to marinate the chicken in. LOL

Lots of love, hugs, & kisses,

Aunite Amie

Grammie said...

Now I know what to use the Bud Lite Lime for that Brent left at our house! Thanks for the tip Amie!