Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Finally, she can blow her own bubbles!

He doesn't care if any bubbles get blown as long as you try.
It's a good thing too. He doesn't always arrive with a full wand.

Bubbles - they may burst, but the bond they created will
never be broken.

We discovered quite by accident that Austin can say "bubble". I took out some bubbles from under the sink, and he said it clear as day. Now he and Brenna have their love of bubbles in common. I'm sure it will get them through the rocky times of their teenage years ahead.


Five years ago when we moved to Utah, Mom and I found this dragonfly hook at Lowe's for my kitchen. Sadly, I had to leave it behind since removing it would mean leaving two pretty good size holes in the cabinets. You can not imagine the abject joy I felt when I found that Lowe's still has them in stock. I was so joyful that I bought two - one for the hand towel and one for the dish towel. It's like my life is in perfect balance now. Of course that is until the kids wake up in the morning, and we do life all over again.

*MFEO = made for each other

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Firsts for the 1st Grader

Yesterday was the first day of 1st Grade for Brenna. She amazed us again this year by not only walking to school (not alone mind you), but also entering this new phase of her life with anticipation and enthusiasm. The teacher greeted her at the door, showed her to her desk and gave her a writing assignment. Brenna promptly dove into the task at hand. I had to ask her if she wanted a hug or a kiss before I left. Her response was kind of like "oh yeah, that might be a good idea." Being in a new school in a new town with new kids, I expected pleas of "don't leave me Mommy", but there was none of that from my big 1st Grader.Doesn't Brent look cute with his new backpack?

Mommy, why must you make me look into the sun?

At her desk ready for some fine Texas learning!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Picture Them in the Past

A photographer came to the kids' day care recently and these are some of the photos she took. I think they are wonderful. I don't know how she got Austin to pose for her.

She's always taking things from me.
Doesn't she know the teapot is MINE?!

Check out my toothy grin.

My beautiful girl - growing up so fast.