Saturday, November 21, 2009

All Tuckered Out

It happens to the best of us. One minute you're enjoying a lunch of bananas and rice cereal and the next you're slumped over fast asleep in your high chair.

Stair Master

There is no staircase he won't climb. It's the getting back down that poses the problem, so for now he will have to be content with only going up. He even climbed up on the two step stool in the bathroom today. He wasn't quite sure what to do at the top, and when he made moves to climb on the toilet, I put an end to his adventure. I know, I'm a kill-joy. That's what Mommy's are for, right?

There's really no better reward at the end of a hard climb
than a big old smooch from your doggy.

The posting of this blog was interrupted when Brenna said, "Mommy, you've got to come see this!" I went into the front room and Austin was half way up the big staircase. Oh boy, here we go.

1st Hair Cut

Austin's chick fuzz has grown out to be real hair over the past few months, so we decided it was time for the first hair cut. He wasn't too fond of the clippers. Daddy kept telling him it was just tickling, but he wasn't buying into it. Maybe he thought they were going to take more than hair like an ear or something. Maybe he was afraid he wouldn't be the "cute baby" if he got his hair cut. Don't worry Austin, you're still the "cute baby" to us.


What is she doing to me? Daddy, help!

A couple of hits on the pacifier and it's "okay".
Not good, just okay.

It's all over, but I can't stop crying. Someone pick me up!

Do you think it looks good? Really?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Too Old for This

The addition of Austin has been almost too much for our 10-year-old Border Collie, Chelsea, to bear. She can't even find a comfy spot on the couch without having to maneuver the mine field of baby and Brenna paraphenalia.

Don't Fence Me In

With an increase mobility, comes a need for a heightened state of security in our house. I have no doubt that all of our efforts will be futile.