Saturday, December 27, 2008

White Christmas

Christmas morning we woke to 6 inches of snow on the ground. By the end of the day, we had at least 12 inches with more on the way. This was more snow than Fred, Margaret and Scott had ever seen having lived in Texas all their lives. Fortunately, the snow stopped with just enough daylight for us to get out and enjoy it. Everyone participated in snow removal, but Brent, bless his heart, spent a lot of the day outside shoveling. A snowman and a snow throne were built. Snowball fights ensued and Brent and Brenna were both buried in the snow. It was a very enjoyable White Christmas indeed.
Click here to see more winter wonderland photos.

Cookies for Santa

Brenna and Uncle Scott baked Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. There was a competition afoot. Brenna put the chocolate chips on top of the cookies and Scott put the chocolate chips inside the cookies. We let Santa be the judge and Brenna's cookies won! Click here for more photos of this great project.

1st Skiing Lesson

On Christmas Eve, we went up to Alta and Brenna took her very first ski lesson. She really enjoyed being on skis and drinking the hot chocolate during their breaks.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ice Skating

Today, we went to the Utah Olympic Oval to ice skate, and while it boasts the "fastest ice on earth", Brenna took it slow her first time on skates. Thankfully, Daddy, Grandad and Scott were on hand to keep her upright and escort her around the rink. Mommy and Nana had to sit on the sidelines and watch...sigh.

The video quality isn't great, but you get the idea.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Angel

We got a dusting of snow at our house this weeked, but it was enough to make a snow angel!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Brenna's school held a Winter Wonderland festival last week. She enjoyed going from room to room with her tickets to participate in the various activities. Santa made a special appearance and she told him she would like blocks, a fire truck and race cars. Not sure where those requests came from, but I'm sure Santa won't dissappoint. Click here for more photos of the evening's activities.

Hook 'em Ho Ho Ho

This year we have put a Longhorn twist on our Christmas decorating. The tree is decked out in orange and silver and a UT tree skirt. There's even a barbed-wire Bevo at the top of the tree. You can think of it as a celebration of a pretty good football season or a memorial to championship opportunities lost. Either way it's a nice change from the traditional ornaments.