Friday, August 15, 2008

I want to ride my bicycle!

If you know me or my father well, you know that reading the title of this blog instantly puts the Queen song "Bicycle" into our heads. Okay, back to the point of this particular blog. Brenna decided this Spring that riding bikes is a glorious thing that should be done weekly, if not daily, no matter what the weather. What does this mean for us, her parents? We get to spend lots of quality time in our Texas Longhorn chairs in the driveway while she goes up and down the sidewalk. Occasionally, we will trek over to the park, which includes a harried crossing of a busy street, and ride around the bike path with periodic stops to do flips on the bar at the playground. We're very proud of her leap into bicycle coordination and hope to remove the training wheels next Spring!

Our Little Gymnast

Last October, we enrolled Brenna in gymnastics. It's a once-a-week, 45 minute class, so don't go thinking we're THOSE parents. Plus she was hanging on and bouncing off all the furniture in the house and local playgrounds...we HAD to do SOMETHING to give her an outlet for her need to be upside down. She absolutely loves it. Every Monday morning she wakes up and we say, "What day is today?" to which she replies "Gymnastics Day!" She either truly loves the "sport" (at this level there's not much sporting to it) or she loves getting to eat in the car on the way. The class is structured around different elements such as the bar, the beam, the floor, the vault (a very watered down vault mind you) and even a ladder or two. Am I hoping for an Olympic bid in 2020? Not really, but if that's what she wants to pursue, who am I to tell her "No"?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bouncing Out of Year Four!

Here's a catch up blog: I can hardly believe our little girl is 4 already. Where has the time gone? We celebrated at The Kid Barn, a bouncing, sliding mecca. She had a great time running from one bouncer to another with her friends. Some of the adults even took a turn or two on the bouncers...brave souls. All of them will attest that the ladders and foot holds were designed for little feet. If you would like to see more pictures, click here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't Wake the Princess

We recently received this sign from Grandad "Fred" and Nana "Margaret". We currently have it hanging on Brenna's door. As soon as she is able to make her own breakfast and turn on the TV, we're changing "Princess" to "Parents" and hanging it on our door!

Camping: The Great Indoors

A couple of weekends ago, Brent asked Brenna if she would like to sleep in her tent. She thought this was a great idea, since they had talked about camping and tents at school recently. The tent started out on the floor with her sleeping bag, pillows and blanket. She couldn't quite get comfortable, so there was much calling out of "Mommy!" After 3 tries, Mommy suggested putting the tent on the bed; maybe that would be more comfortable. We're two weekends into tent sleeping and going strong.