Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hoppy Lily Pad

I thought it might be fun to share some of the artwork Brenna brings home from time to time. What frog wouldn't be happy on this lily pad?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

No Crying in Timeout

Tonight a dinner Brenna was telling us about being put in timeout at school with her friends, Tristen and Lexie. Apparently they were not being good listeners on the playground. I made the comment that the Three Musketeers got in trouble and she said, "Mommy, we weren't crying in timeout!" I guess we haven't done a very good job teaching her the classics.

Welcome to the Cook Family Blog

Hi family and friends! This is our attempt to keep you all posted on the goings on in our lives. Feel free to check back here periodically for pictures, stories and updates.